Monday, October 1, 2012

Foods for Persian Kittens

Foods for Persian Kittens

Persian kittens are a prize to keep and are the sweetest of all the animals you can have. They have a very calm nature and many say that their presence can calm anyone's mind. They are unlike other cats in a way that they do not try to climb the trees or cross your compound to visit your neighbors. You need to take good care of them as they are very sensitive and even a slight change in their food patterns can make them sick.

Few words about their ancestry

As the name itself suggests, the Persian kittens were brought to the west from Persia (Iran) by an Italian traveler. Persian kittens have an aristocratic background and their behaviors reflects that. This also makes it important to be careful about their food and grooming.

Things to be taken care regarding food

Generally you may feel that cats can be fed human food, but in reality it is not true. Cats need highly nutritious diet to keep them healthy and strong enough to resist diseases. It is better to avoid giving them the human foods as they can cause health problems. 

Many of the human foods such as avocado, potatoes, tuna, mushrooms, onions, garlic, grapes, and coffee/tea/alcohol can cause heart and respiratory problems, hyperactivity, toxicity, vomiting, allergy, malnourishment, etc. If you are unable to decide what your pet is comfortable with, it is better to consult a veterinary doctor.
Monday, September 24, 2012

Interesting Facts About Persian Cats

Persian cats are one of the most domesticated among all feline species in the world and especially here in the United States. The reasons are many, including their beautiful fur, loving nature and laid back attitude. Here are some interesting facts that you probably didn't know about Persian cats.

ñ  Persian cats were first introduced to the western world by Italian traveler Pietro della Valle. He got the felines from Persia and brought them to his homeland in Italy in the year 1620

ñ  Queen Victoria of Britain owned blue Persian cats and was very fond of them. This was one of the primary reasons for their popularity in British aristocratic circles during the 19th century.

ñ  Persians have a sweet temperament and are more inclined to sit along your side then your lap. They also mingle with other pets pretty easily.

ñ  These cats are essentially land based and don't have the inclination to climb or jump like their Siamese cousins. They have strong boned legs for giving firm support to their wide bodies.

ñ  Persian cats come in a wide variety of colors. Whites with blue eyes, green eyes or odd eyes ( one of each) Chinchilla Silver, Golden, silver, smoke colored, shaded, tabby, bi-colored, parti-colored can be found around the world.

Persians are an indoor cat variety and should be treated with love and regality. Remember, they are believed to come out of royal courts and require treatment befitting their history!

Friday, September 7, 2012
Things to Consider While Getting Your Own Persian Kitten

Persian kittens are indoor pets by nature. These beauties are extremely laid back and were the choice pets of Kings in the past. They demand proper caring and grooming. Some of the points to consider while getting a new Persian cat are -

ñ  Grooming: The rich fur on their bodies is the first thing you'll notice about these pretty kittens. The fur can get knotted and tangled if not groomed regularly. So care should be taken to brush regularly.

ñ  Adaptation: Care should be taken to help your cat to adapt to its surroundings. This may take time or can happen immediately. All you need to do is make it feel comfortable by playing with it and nurturing it daily.

ñ  Shedding: Persian cats will shed hair but not a lot as might be expected from their furry disposition. Using shedding gloves can make your work easier and keep you house clean and hair free.

ñ  Bathing and eye care: These kittens require bath once a month at the most. Shampoos can be used but with care to avoid the face and eyes of your pet. The eyes of a Persian could tear. So, keep them clean if need be.

A Persian cat is a great pet to have. They aren't interfering creatures and like to lie around and usually live for around 15-20 years on the average. Play with them, spoil them as you would  your own child and you can have a longtime friend.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Care for Your Persian Kitty the Right Way

Animal care is an importnat task for your new baby, especially looking after your Persian cats as they require some special attention. Even though Persian cats have soft, long fur, shedding is quite minimal  Caring for these furred delicate beauties is not much of a hassle as long as you follow few simple Persian cat care tips.

Fur issues

Even though the long fur doesn’t shed frequently brushing and combing can prevent the coat from getting matted and can provide a very nice bonding time between you and your new baby.  Prevent any fur problems by giving your cat a nice long brush and comb along the matted region to unknot the fur.

Apart from preventing tangling, combing your Persian cat’s hair can help get rid of the dead fur on its undercoat. You can get your Persian cat’s fur snipped into a lion clip, which will make it look similar to a lion’s fur and will also keep dirt from sticking onto the cat’s fur.

Toxic free toys

While playing with your Persian kitty, don’t use your hand especially when there are games involving biting. Instead, buy a few toxic free toys that can help prevent unwanted injuries and hand-biting habits.

Detergents should be kept away

Persian cats are naturally curious and they like to smell and lick everything that triggers their curiosity. Keep detergents, soaps and other hazardous chemicals away or in a stored space. Try putting the cat n a secured area while you clean the house, to avoid any untoward incidents.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Persian Kitten Safety

Treasured Persian Kittens offers a unique home, not only where we breed, but we also socialize our kittens, they are given the best food products, to build not only their nutritional health, but we believe in their overall health and happiness, that is truly our main goal. When you pick up your kitten or it’s delivered to you, you can rest assured that while it was in our home, it has received the best quality of food, love and attention, that it could receive anywhere.
However, although our home is a safe haven, we want our cats to go to equally as safe and secure homes, and want to offer you some advice on how you can make that happen. The first thing is to kitten-proof your home. Make sure electrical sockets are out of reach, and covered, if they are not, and make sure kitchen cabinets and laundry room facilities are definitely secure and off-limits to your new family member, just as you would do when bringing a baby home or a child you have adopted. Ensuring safety will give you and your new kitten the great and enjoyable years together, that you want, when you pick out your new family-member to bring home.

Indoor versus Outdoors. Frankly, we don’t know why there is still a debate on this matter. The fact is, an indoor cat, that remains indoors for its entire life is a happier and healthier cat. Outside without absolute supervision can be a dangerous place for any animal, especially an exotic cat, which frankly has no means of protecting itself from a 2,000+ pound vehicle or even a 20-pound prey animal such as a bobcat, coyote or even a neighbor’s dog, wanting to play rough. Think about what you want to do to protect your new kitten, and then follow through, preferably before you even bring him or her home.

The second thing to do is, micro-chipping. You have no idea how many times our phones have rung, with a distraught adoptive parent on the other end stressed out because a neighbor’s kid or a babysitter accidentally let their beloved pet out, and they wonder how they will either find or prove to animal control authorities that this is indeed their beloved pet. Our kittens are so well-socialized before they leave our home, that they will feel comfortable with almost anyone who offers, food, love and affection to them. However, if you have micro-chipped your kitten, for the rest of its life, you have the ability to prove, that he or she is indeed your beloved family member.
Since we already said, you should be sure to protect your pet from household chemicals, remember; cleaning fluids are lethal, and so you guard your new family member from the poisons that are man-made. But did you realize that there are also natural things that are equally or even in some cases, more lethal than chemicals? A Google search will unearth a number of household plants and flowers that are extremely poisonous to cats. And since we already decided, your cat should never go outside without your permission and under your full-guidance and observations.  Think before you do anything, and always ensure and protect your four-legged family from dangers, just as we parents were taught to do for our children.

Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of worry and a cure.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How To Find a Reputable Cat Breeder

Many people question whether with the digital age, you can find legitimate and reputable cat breeders online. The Internet is filled with frauds, we’ll have to admit that. And most of the so-called breeders have been known to steal copyrighted photographs off legitimate breeder sites like Treasured Kittens and put them on their own site, only to disappoint or even break the heart of a family, who was promised that they would be getting a beautiful Doll Face Persian or other type of kitten, and then they receive a very badly bred animal with extensive health problems. Many times these incidents don’t get reported to authorities, because buyers are either embarrassed to have been hoodwinked or have fallen in love with the kitty, and accepted the inferior and unhealthy new family member, and that is to be admired, but it’s still wrong.

So when you make the decision to get a pedigreed cat, what should you do? Firstly, check out the breeder. Contact the cat breeding organizations and verify that the Cattery is actually recorded and named on their list of reputable breeders. Then also read the (Testimonial) pages, it will take no time at all to figure out who is legit, because the truth is, a photo if worth a thousand words, and you can verify health and even DNA content virtually by looking at the various former kittens the Cattery in question has delivered. Sure, there may always be some mean comment online about someone or a Cattery, it’s the nature of the Internet. Strangers and vicious people have been able to post lies on people for years with impunity, but thanks to the slander, defamation and libel laws, that are finally catching up with technology, people are finding ways to combat this.

However, back to wanting that beautiful pedigreed kitten or cat. Firstly, you will find that reputable breeders refused to over-breed their animals. These are unhealthy practices, and therefore, you may have to go on a waiting list, and that’s not only a good idea for you, but the breeder and the cat as well. I know breeders like (Treasured Kittens Cattery), that will not over-breed their Kings or Queens, and treat them like family. They are not caged or housed and are able to walk the lay of the land (of the home); so to speak, and are happy, contented and healthy. You should find successful and reputable breeders who offer (projected breeding practices). What does this mean? If you see a Cattery that says, (Kittens will be available in the Spring or Summer of 2012), then you realize that these cats are being bred properly. Given a date to rest, to heal, to build their health and bodies back up, and are not just being bred for profit.

Does that mean that a person or Cattery making a profit is a bad breeder? Absolutely not; that only means that they are successful at finding repeat buyers, people who sometimes later comeback and want a second, a third of fourth kitten.

So do not hesitate to ask questions. If you go to a site, contact a breeder and they refuse to answer questions or claim they are too busy, then you should probably go someplace else. Because if you get a kitten and have questions, there are times that even your VET will want you to ask the breeder questions to make correct and accurate decisions about treatments etc…

Then look at the website, don’t hesitate to ask for referrals that you can email or call for proper vetting of a person or Cattery.

The Internet has made all of our lives easier, but it also has made many of us lazier. Don’t be lazy when deciding to purchase a family member, that probably will be with you for 12-20 years, if you are lucky. This is an important decision for you and your family, and the Cattery/and/or/Breeder should be just as interested in you and your home as you are in theirs.

When in doubt? ASK!

All About Cat Behavior

Cat behaviors are all a part of communication. The obvious, we often discuss is that of scent marking. Yes, oftentimes it’s used by urine, but when it comes to happy and content cats you can find a cat rubbing it’s chin or face against a person, they want to consider and mark as their own, or a piece of furniture, or other items. Cats also most famously “meow!” Did you know that cats do not meow to other cats? That is a vocalization that is strictly directed at its human family, friends or visitors to one’s home. Purring is a way of communicating happiness, contentedness and affection.

Cats are much more communicative than most other animals. They do often wag their tails, but like with dog behavior, a wag has to be interpreted. And it’s uniquely different for different breeds and cats individually. If a cat is hissing and puffing its tail, it may feel threatened, nervous and therefore, you should be sure to pick your kitty up and take it away from someone that seems to make the cat feel threatened, or you may calmly ask the visitor to leave the room with you and go somewhere in order to calm the cat and make it feel loved, and safe again. You have to understand, you feel mobile, humans go to the store whenever someone is bugging us, may walk around the block or even visit a park or grocery store. Your cat however feels its home, its space is truly its castle. Talk about Standing Your Ground? Cats have no other alternative but to fight for its space, its survival in such a way, when it feels uncomfortable around visitors. And personally, we always suggest trust your kitty’s instincts about people, if at all possible.

Growling and hissing are rare for Doll Face Persians. Especially our cats; since they are only around those who we love and trust, and we give them the feeling of security that they all so desire and need, and depend on their human family, (on us), to give to them, and it should be very important to you to offer your new family member the safety, love and security that was offered to him or her before they join your home forever.

 We have learned to understand nuances and very simple gestures of communication here. So a subtle move of the head, the hair or the tail, or a sound, sometimes not a meowing, but a simple chirping is often all we have to hear to know just what our babies want and need at any one moment. It can sometimes be food, water, and you’d be surprised, but some cats will make chirping sounds whenever they may feel too warm indoors. Perhaps you need to open a window, please; one with a strong screen, so your cat doesn’t jump get too antsy from the climate indoors and chase out of the house and leave you devastated in fear and searching for them. Often times, cats are not as far away as a tree or under a bush, and will playfully wait for you to walk by a dozen or so times before making that peep sound, and then maybe scurrying away again.

Perhaps this behavior is best left indoors, where our babies are most of the time, and yours should be too. Communication is not only the most important part of a human on human relationship, but also a human and animal, especially a feline. You’ll be surprised that you will begin to learn what your new Doll Face Persian family member needs. It’s astonishing at times to realize that they almost can be as clear as an English teacher seems to a classroom filled with kids. Spending time alone and just touching your new kitty will often build a bond, that he or she will learn what words mean in your very own human language, and then they will create sounds, or even movements to tell you what they want.

Purring and vibrations are positive and healthy signs of communication. In fact, what you should make sure to do, once you have your new family member, is learn to understand, and learn how to teach your new kitten what you mean. What is our best advice for you on learning and teaching communication skills and language; of sorts, to your new kitty? Consistency. Without it, you could create a disaster for your home, yourself, your family and most importantly, the innocent new pack member of your clan, that deserves and needs nurturing, excellent food product for nutrition, but even more importantly, communication.

 Built it, and build a structure and new surrounding of love, that perhaps only you, or your family can have with a member of the feline species, that offers unconditional love. There is no greater love, than the love of a Doll Face Persian, happily communicating with his or her new family. Good luck!

HEALTH EFFECTS OF Living With And Raising A Doll Face Persian Kitten

Someone once asked, what are the health benefits of owning a Persian kitten? There are far too many to list, but we’ll try to explain some of the important factors to you. The most important is, sharing your life with someone or something else is very healthy. Owning a cat after raising it from a kitten is the most fulfilling thing in the world.

It is necessary for your kitten and adult cat’s health to be cared for and taking care to spay or neuter is not only healthy, it will give your cat the desire to be YOUR cat, your attention, without Mother Nature reminding him or her every few weeks that there is a world out-there to find, and to conquer. Plus, serious breeders are really who should be sticking to breeding practices and caring for the animal properly in order to ensure the animal has a fulfilling life and healthy. By spaying or neutering early in your kitten’s life, you maintain the practices that will ensure the cat’s longevity.

But, this is about health benefits for the human parent or owner of a Persian kitten. Firstly, doctors have proof that the grooming process of taking care of a beautiful Persian can lower blood-pressure, lower stress levels extensively, and the hormones that trigger cancer-cell growth in the human body are lowered immensely. Plus, it’s also been scientifically proven that people who have a cat or pet to care for have less regularity and cases of onset Alzheimer’s or dementia. The fact that you are communicating with one of these beautiful creatures on a regular basis helps to make your mind sharper and more alert, and it is loneliness that seems to trigger the cells in the brain that develop into dementia patients, that pet ownership seem to counter.

Also, just think of the exercise you get, even minor by bending and doing movements when you encounter your kitten on a daily basis, and physical activity, even the daily cleaning or removal of litter box products can keep you alert and mobile. Doll Face Persians are especially very loving, and love as we know, is very infectious. The love your kitten offers you, will be returned the kitten, and love and friendship has a boomerang-effect, and it offers the body and mind a wholly new way of thinking.

Of course if you have young kids, and they are first, properly trained. Yes, that’s correct, your child must be trained in how to handle a kitten, and a growing young cat. But afterwards, the structure of feeding at a certain time of day, evening, etc… and regular exercise for your kitten builds trust not only between kitten and child, but between you and your child, and the fact is, most young kids who have the structure and love of taking care of a pet tend to become happier and more well-adjusted teenagers.

The family’s health will soon improve by just the positive effects of interactions with your kitten. We often ask our adoptive parents about their household, not only to ensure the safety of our beloved kittens, but to assist the adoptive families who purchase our kittens in creating an environment that not only your new family member can flourish in, but that your family will flourish in as well.

Love, health, commitment and dedication to a Persian kitten or cat can and will be returned in the greatest multitude; it cannot even be described. Ask us about specifics if you have any further questions after reading this.
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Gorgeous Blue-Eyed Doll Face White Persian Kitten


Treasured Kittens Cattery

Treasured Kittens cattery is located in Colorado. We produce exquisite White Persian kittens, as well as Chinchilla and Shaded Silver Persian babies. Our kittens are doll faced Persians. We are a PKD Negative Persian cattery.

To contact us:
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Ph: (719) 231-5175
Apply for a Kitten
Email Gaby
