Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Persian Kitten Safety

Treasured Persian Kittens offers a unique home, not only where we breed, but we also socialize our kittens, they are given the best food products, to build not only their nutritional health, but we believe in their overall health and happiness, that is truly our main goal. When you pick up your kitten or it’s delivered to you, you can rest assured that while it was in our home, it has received the best quality of food, love and attention, that it could receive anywhere.
However, although our home is a safe haven, we want our cats to go to equally as safe and secure homes, and want to offer you some advice on how you can make that happen. The first thing is to kitten-proof your home. Make sure electrical sockets are out of reach, and covered, if they are not, and make sure kitchen cabinets and laundry room facilities are definitely secure and off-limits to your new family member, just as you would do when bringing a baby home or a child you have adopted. Ensuring safety will give you and your new kitten the great and enjoyable years together, that you want, when you pick out your new family-member to bring home.

Indoor versus Outdoors. Frankly, we don’t know why there is still a debate on this matter. The fact is, an indoor cat, that remains indoors for its entire life is a happier and healthier cat. Outside without absolute supervision can be a dangerous place for any animal, especially an exotic cat, which frankly has no means of protecting itself from a 2,000+ pound vehicle or even a 20-pound prey animal such as a bobcat, coyote or even a neighbor’s dog, wanting to play rough. Think about what you want to do to protect your new kitten, and then follow through, preferably before you even bring him or her home.

The second thing to do is, micro-chipping. You have no idea how many times our phones have rung, with a distraught adoptive parent on the other end stressed out because a neighbor’s kid or a babysitter accidentally let their beloved pet out, and they wonder how they will either find or prove to animal control authorities that this is indeed their beloved pet. Our kittens are so well-socialized before they leave our home, that they will feel comfortable with almost anyone who offers, food, love and affection to them. However, if you have micro-chipped your kitten, for the rest of its life, you have the ability to prove, that he or she is indeed your beloved family member.
Since we already said, you should be sure to protect your pet from household chemicals, remember; cleaning fluids are lethal, and so you guard your new family member from the poisons that are man-made. But did you realize that there are also natural things that are equally or even in some cases, more lethal than chemicals? A Google search will unearth a number of household plants and flowers that are extremely poisonous to cats. And since we already decided, your cat should never go outside without your permission and under your full-guidance and observations.  Think before you do anything, and always ensure and protect your four-legged family from dangers, just as we parents were taught to do for our children.

Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of worry and a cure.
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Gorgeous Blue-Eyed Doll Face White Persian Kitten


Treasured Kittens Cattery

Treasured Kittens cattery is located in Colorado. We produce exquisite White Persian kittens, as well as Chinchilla and Shaded Silver Persian babies. Our kittens are doll faced Persians. We are a PKD Negative Persian cattery.

To contact us:
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Ph: (719) 231-5175
Apply for a Kitten
Email Gaby
